AB  - This study is about readability of insurance letters. This kind of written text often causes issues due to the difficult language which is used. Recent research tells us a lot about how we process information, how we comprehend text by constructing mental models, and which features of a text helps us with that. This study provides empirical evidence about how this works in the context of insurance cos-tumer communication. The authors improved a common insurance letter, based on assumptions of linguistics and cognitive psychology. 292 participants took part in a standardized online survey, which examined the effect on text comprehension, corporate image of the insurance company, and on how difficult participants perceive reading the letter. Compared to the control condition, participants who received the revised letter were able to understand the content significantly better. Furthermore this group considered reading the revised insurance letter as less effortful, and regarded the insur-ance company as more positive.
AU  - Grahn, Isabelle
AU  - de la Rosa, José
DA  - 2015
DP  - Visual Library Portal
KW  - Textverstehen
KW  - Sprache
KW  - Informationsvermittlung
PY  - 2015
TI  - Empirische Studie zur Wirksamkeit sprachlicher Optimierung von Versicherungsschreiben: Forschungsreihe Textverständlichkeit
UR  - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:s2w-8676
Y2  - 2025-03-24T07:41:10
ER  -