- PDF Front cover
- PDF Title page
- PDF Preface
- PDF Table of contents
- PDF CHAPTER I. The State of Opinion
- PDF CHAPTER II. From the Ratification op the Treaty of Versailles to the Second Ultimatum of London
- PDF I. The Execution of the Treaty and the Plebiscites
- PDF II. The Conferences of San Remo (April 19-26, 1920), Hythe (May 15 and June 19, 1920), Boulogne (June 21-22, 1920), Brussels (July 2-3, 1920), and Spa (July 5-16, 1920)
- PDF III. The Brussels Conference (December 16-22, 1920)
- PDF IV. The Decisions of Paris (January 24-30, 1921)
- PDF V. The First Conference of London (March 1-7, 1921)
- PDF VI. The Second Conference of London (April 29-May 5, 1921)
- PDF Excursus I. Coal
- PDF Excursus II. The Legality op occupying Germany East of the Rhine
- PDF CHAPTER III. The Burden of the London Settlement
- PDF CHAPTER IV. The Reparation Bill
- PDF CHAPTER V. The Legality of the Claim for Pensions
- PDF CHAPTER VI. Reparation, Inter-Ally Debt, and International Trade
- PDF CHAPTER VII. The Revision of the Treaty and the Settlement of Europe
- PDF I. The Spa Agreement, July 1920
- PDF II. The Decisions of Paris, January 29, 1921
- PDF III. Claims submitted to the Reparation Commission by the various Allied Nations, als published by the Commission, February 23, 1921
- PDF IV. The First Ultimatum of London, March 3, 1921
- PDF V. The German Counter-Proposal, as transmitted to the United States Government, April 24, 1921
- PDF VI. The Assessment announced by the Reparation Commission, April 30, 1921
- PDF VII. The Second Ultimatum of London, May 5, 1921
- PDF VIII. The Wiesbaden Agreement, October 6, 1921
- PDF IX. Tables of Inter-Governmental Indebtedness
- PDF Index
- PDF By the same author
- PDF Back cover